Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe to Higher Education?

StudentPulse Team
September 11, 2023

The robots are here! Unless you live on a deserted island, you would've seen or heard about the rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in the recent news. Even in higher education circles, AI has caused quite a stir, with the immediate fear being students submitting immaculate papers penned by their trusty robot assistants while they lounge about watching Netflix. However, for every potential downside that comes with introducing AI in education, there are also many upsides we stand to gain. In this article, we'll explore the possibilities of AI enriching student experience and boosting student well-being, while uncovering potential pitfalls to be managed. Let’s go!

Elevating student experience through personalised support and early intervention

The power of AI is in its ability to analyse vast amounts of data, recognise patterns, and make recommendations or predictions based on that data. Imagine having a digital tutor for students who know their learning style better than they do and can provide each of them with personalised learning recommendations while guiding them through complex subjects. For instance, meet Sarah, a college student who excels in psychology but struggles with statistics. AI can challenge her to explore advanced topics in her psychology coursework to keep her engaged and motivated. Meanwhile, AI can not only recognise her challenge in statistics but also adapt her coursework dynamically, for instance, by providing interactive tutorials and real-world examples to ensure she comprehends complex concepts. AI’s ability to proactively detect patterns of struggle, alert students and offer timely support will help ensure that each student reaches their full potential.

Boosting student well-being and mental health through intelligent assessments and targeted resources

For many students, university life can feel like a rollercoaster of deadlines, assignments, and responsibilities, and it's here that AI can be a force of good. AI can reduce the stress associated with academic logistics by automating administrative tasks such as course registrations, timetable scheduling, and assignment submissions.

The game-changer with AI is that it can also dive deeper and support students' mental well-being. Educators and students can check in on their emotional well-being through AI-driven well-being assessments. These assessments can recognise signs of stress or anxiety in a student's behaviour and offer personalised mental health support and resources, such as self-care practices or counselling services. Moreover, AI-powered chatbots can also serve as companions to students, offering 24/7 support when students are dealing with emotional or academic challenges. For instance, if a student feels overwhelmed by a challenging project, an AI chatbot can provide guidance, suggest resources, or even recommend a mindfulness exercise to help them regain focus and composure.

In this way, AI emerges as a transformative force in higher education, fundamentally altering the landscape of student well-being. It's not merely about managing logistics; it's about nurturing holistic and supportive educational environments where students can thrive academically, emotionally, and personally.

What’s the catch?

Potential risks to watch out forBut, as with any transformative technology, AI isn't without its challenges. There's the looming spectre of algorithmic bias, which could inadvertently reinforce educational inequalities. Data privacy and security concerns also lurk in the background, raising questions about how educational institutions can harness AI's power without compromising personal information. Additionally, there's also the risk of students becoming overly reliant on AI tools for their learning journey, which may hinder the development of their creativity or critical thinking. While these are just a few of the challenges posed by AI in education, we mustn't shy away from them. Instead, we must strike a careful balance and wield AI responsibly, harnessing its potential to empower students while mitigating these risks.

Rest assured, guidance on AI implementation is on its way

One such guidance is the EU Open AI Act by the European Union which offers a structured approach to ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI in educational contexts. The Act's recommendations are structured into three distinct levels, each tailored to address different aspects of AI implementation.Firstly, the “Unacceptable risk” level identifies and sets stringent guidelines for the most sensitive AI applications where potential harm is deemed unacceptable. Secondly, the “High risk” category addresses AI systems with the potential for significant harm, laying out specific requirements and safeguards for their deployment. Lastly, the “Limited risk” category focuses on AI systems with fewer associated risks, enabling a more flexible approach while ensuring responsible usage.

Educators can find assurance in these frameworks, knowing that they provide a structured path towards responsible AI integration in education. With these guidelines in place, they can not only navigate AI implementation safely but also embrace the exciting opportunities it brings.

Learn more about AI and its impact on student well-being and mental health on our upcoming free webinar

As we approach the era where AI is a vital component of higher education, it is essential to critically examine its impact on student experience and well-being. In our upcoming webinar "Does AI help or harm your students' well-being?" on October 3rd at 3 p.m. (CET), we team up with Dr. Jennifer Laffier, a Licensed Psychotherapist and the Director of the Mental Health in the Digital Age Lab to delve into the intricate world of AI, exploring both its potential benefits and risks in the context of student well-being and mental health.

Join us at the webinar to learn more about:

✅ AI's opportunities to enhance the educational experience

✅ AI's integration into education, considering its numerous advantages and potential pitfalls

✅ The EU Open AI Act outlining the requirements and best practices for using AI systems in education

✅ The latest research findings and real-world cases, providing a holistic view of AI's role in higher education

Register HERE for free, and together, let’s shape a future where AI empowers students to thrive in higher education!