The red color makes feedback hard to take in

StudentPulse Team
January 11, 2023

Our recent projects with universities have shown that people who receive feedback in red are more likely to feel bad about themselves than those who receive feedback in other colors. It has also been shown that people are less likely to forget negative feedback when given in red.

Red is a color that is commonly used in everyday situations such as on signs or to indicate danger therefore we subconsciously associate it with negative emotions, such as anger, sadness, or disappointment, so it triggers feelings of stress and anxiety. Because of this, it is more likely to make people feel stressed and anxious when it accompanies negative feedback.

Feedback is the catalyst that drives personal and professional growth. However, giving and receiving feedback can be challenging for many people. For this reason, it's crucial to think through whom the feedback is intended for and how it will be presented.

When giving feedback to students, it is important to remember that providing effective feedback is essential for students' learning and development. Feedback should be specific and focused on personal strengths with suggestions for improvement. Avoid making personal comments or judgments and be interactive - allow students to ask questions and discuss mentioned problems and issues they may face.

At StudentPulse, we understand the importance of fostering a positive and productive learning environment for students and educators. That's why we have created a feedback tool that empowers educators to receive feedback in a non-threatening way.

Here are some key highlights of why feedback to educators is essential:

  • Our AI-powered feedback engine allows us to identify and highlight actionable feedback, making it easier for educators to improve.
  • It encourages continuous professional development, helping educators stay up-to-date with the latest teaching methods and technologies.
  • It gives educators insights into how their teaching is being received, allowing them to adapt and improve.
  • It helps build trust and communication between educators and students, fostering a more positive learning environment.
  • It allows for more effective goal setting and performance tracking, both for the educators and the students.

And with StudentPulse, educators can customize their dashboard with the feedback color of their choice!